Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Friends!

It is Christmas Eve in Sweden, the day we celebrate Christmas. And I'm loving it! It has been such a good day. Sleeping in, gift opening, breakfast and getting ready with the family, then us going over to my Grandmothers place to celebrate Christmas with her and my Aunt Catarina.

Tomorrow awaits Christmas Celebrations with my Dad and his wife Elena.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Christmastime @ My grandmothers

Miriam and the Aussies.

Christmas Baking and Rock Band @ Gabriel & Thomas. (and Yes, gabriel made us wear 3d glasses for a while.. haha!)


and.. Partytime!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 19, 2009

The perfect Christmas weather is right outside my door. Snow, cold (but not to cold), glistening christmas decorations and people gift shopping. Some parents are pulling their kids in little plastic sledges while the kids laugh and tell them to go faster.

Easy to say, that I really enjoy being home for Christmas this year. And we finally have snow for Christmas, that stays on the ground. Last time we had this much snow for Christmas, was probably 10 years ago. It always melts away, or only small patches of snow stay on the ground before they melt.

Last night, my sisters, my mom & I, sat up putting a puzzle together while listening to Christmas songs. It couldn't have been more of a perfect Friday night!

It has been an awesome week. And the most effective Saturday ever! I had my last day of school yesterday, that was celebrated with a lunch and The Principal giving out Honoring Awards. And guess what? I GOT ONE! For best Pattern-constructing student. A diploma with the honoring award and a gift certificate at Sweden's version of Barnes&Nobles. I was so happy! Everyone in my class kept congratulating me, and my teachers talked to me for a long while after. I never expected to get an Award, and was really chocked when they called out "Patternconstructor: Jacqueline Usterud". Needless to say - I was ecstatic!

Today I finally booked my flight to Hawaii (and got a haircut, that was seriously needed). I'll leave early morning on January 2nd, and arrive in Honolulu at 8.30pm the same day. YAY!
Good thing I got some serious Christmas gift- and clothing shopping done today, 'cuz I need to start packing... I'm leaving so soon!

Hope you all are well,
Merry Christmas until now.


Thursday, December 17, 2009


Swineflu shot - Check!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

its been the sweetest week.

such a tiresome week, but oh so good.

Monday: Girls night with Ben&Jerry's, chips, gossip and chick flicks. School-skipping (well, at least not getting to school in time).
Tuesday: School & late Work
Wednesday: School & late Work.
Thursday: Homework, and school. I aslo stayed up.. way late.. to make a vest. Pictures will be posted! Afternoone Non-Coffee date with David.
Friday: School, Work, then chilling with Miriam, Sabine, Marlene, an Australian & an American boy. Way nice! A lot of Coke, candy and sucky movies.. Titanic and Sweet Home Alabama.. Need I say more? But oh so fun.
Saturday: Well, since we stayed up way late and ended up sleeping on each others butts in the sofa, we dragged ourself into Miriam's room and us girls crashed all over the place. Two on the bed, one on the floor and one on the loveseat. Woke up, went into town and got breakfast at Coffeehouse by George, and then went Vintage shopping. Marlene got this super nice Vintage Chanel necklace that was to die for. I love these girls. I really feel that I've found my kind of girls, which is more than beyond awesome.

I have to make something to ware for New Years. For reals. And I also just got an order for a New Years Dress from a girl that I work with. YAY!

Anyways. My weeks been so busy. But oh so good. Schools been intense, grading charts and grading patterns.

A couple of weeks ago, my boss and I, designed 15 children's garments that are going into production for fall/winter next year. So sweet. I've also been helping her out with measurement lists for some child PJ's.


Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Life is always hard, for the Belle of the Boulevard. Darling dry your eyes.

Dashboard Confessional - Belle Of The Boulevard

Thursday, December 03, 2009

mind over matter.

I'm going slightly insane over here. Been working like crazy. Pretty much 6 days a week, along with going to school 5 days a week.

This week is our "finals" week. Tomorrow is my last day of a three day long test in Manual Pattern Constructing. And my brain is FRIED! Can't wait for this week to be over!
I'm already done with the final kit that we had to turn in for the computerized part which was pretty major too. A lot of measurementlists, patterns, flat sketches in Adobe Illustrator (That I've learned to love, by the way!) and detailed sketches and closeups.

And. I miss my American friends. Kind of a lot too. I told my boss today about me going back to Hawaii. And I also told her, and I don't think I've told anyone else but my family yet, that I recieved scholarships for my portfolio! Yay! They cover a lot of my expenses too. So great!

Well. Time for bed. TTYL.