Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas Friends!

It is Christmas Eve in Sweden, the day we celebrate Christmas. And I'm loving it! It has been such a good day. Sleeping in, gift opening, breakfast and getting ready with the family, then us going over to my Grandmothers place to celebrate Christmas with her and my Aunt Catarina.

Tomorrow awaits Christmas Celebrations with my Dad and his wife Elena.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

Christmastime @ My grandmothers

Miriam and the Aussies.

Christmas Baking and Rock Band @ Gabriel & Thomas. (and Yes, gabriel made us wear 3d glasses for a while.. haha!)


and.. Partytime!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

December 19, 2009

The perfect Christmas weather is right outside my door. Snow, cold (but not to cold), glistening christmas decorations and people gift shopping. Some parents are pulling their kids in little plastic sledges while the kids laugh and tell them to go faster.

Easy to say, that I really enjoy being home for Christmas this year. And we finally have snow for Christmas, that stays on the ground. Last time we had this much snow for Christmas, was probably 10 years ago. It always melts away, or only small patches of snow stay on the ground before they melt.

Last night, my sisters, my mom & I, sat up putting a puzzle together while listening to Christmas songs. It couldn't have been more of a perfect Friday night!

It has been an awesome week. And the most effective Saturday ever! I had my last day of school yesterday, that was celebrated with a lunch and The Principal giving out Honoring Awards. And guess what? I GOT ONE! For best Pattern-constructing student. A diploma with the honoring award and a gift certificate at Sweden's version of Barnes&Nobles. I was so happy! Everyone in my class kept congratulating me, and my teachers talked to me for a long while after. I never expected to get an Award, and was really chocked when they called out "Patternconstructor: Jacqueline Usterud". Needless to say - I was ecstatic!

Today I finally booked my flight to Hawaii (and got a haircut, that was seriously needed). I'll leave early morning on January 2nd, and arrive in Honolulu at 8.30pm the same day. YAY!
Good thing I got some serious Christmas gift- and clothing shopping done today, 'cuz I need to start packing... I'm leaving so soon!

Hope you all are well,
Merry Christmas until now.


Thursday, December 17, 2009


Swineflu shot - Check!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

its been the sweetest week.

such a tiresome week, but oh so good.

Monday: Girls night with Ben&Jerry's, chips, gossip and chick flicks. School-skipping (well, at least not getting to school in time).
Tuesday: School & late Work
Wednesday: School & late Work.
Thursday: Homework, and school. I aslo stayed up.. way late.. to make a vest. Pictures will be posted! Afternoone Non-Coffee date with David.
Friday: School, Work, then chilling with Miriam, Sabine, Marlene, an Australian & an American boy. Way nice! A lot of Coke, candy and sucky movies.. Titanic and Sweet Home Alabama.. Need I say more? But oh so fun.
Saturday: Well, since we stayed up way late and ended up sleeping on each others butts in the sofa, we dragged ourself into Miriam's room and us girls crashed all over the place. Two on the bed, one on the floor and one on the loveseat. Woke up, went into town and got breakfast at Coffeehouse by George, and then went Vintage shopping. Marlene got this super nice Vintage Chanel necklace that was to die for. I love these girls. I really feel that I've found my kind of girls, which is more than beyond awesome.

I have to make something to ware for New Years. For reals. And I also just got an order for a New Years Dress from a girl that I work with. YAY!

Anyways. My weeks been so busy. But oh so good. Schools been intense, grading charts and grading patterns.

A couple of weeks ago, my boss and I, designed 15 children's garments that are going into production for fall/winter next year. So sweet. I've also been helping her out with measurement lists for some child PJ's.


Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Life is always hard, for the Belle of the Boulevard. Darling dry your eyes.

Dashboard Confessional - Belle Of The Boulevard

Thursday, December 03, 2009

mind over matter.

I'm going slightly insane over here. Been working like crazy. Pretty much 6 days a week, along with going to school 5 days a week.

This week is our "finals" week. Tomorrow is my last day of a three day long test in Manual Pattern Constructing. And my brain is FRIED! Can't wait for this week to be over!
I'm already done with the final kit that we had to turn in for the computerized part which was pretty major too. A lot of measurementlists, patterns, flat sketches in Adobe Illustrator (That I've learned to love, by the way!) and detailed sketches and closeups.

And. I miss my American friends. Kind of a lot too. I told my boss today about me going back to Hawaii. And I also told her, and I don't think I've told anyone else but my family yet, that I recieved scholarships for my portfolio! Yay! They cover a lot of my expenses too. So great!

Well. Time for bed. TTYL.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

barista, barista!

It was my first time back as a barista last night, and it was s-o-o-o good! I forgot how good the roasted coffee-beans smell, and how fun it is when you manage to make a leaf or a heart on someones latte or cappuccino. And I made a heart on my very first latte, back at Espresso House. My boss is super nice, and the coffee shop I worked in last night was located at a very calm part of a Mall. Everything went well, and not to mention 4 hours of $15/h pay + overtime! So sweet!

I love what they pay you an hour in Sweden! Beats the crap out of 7.25 an hour!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

its skirt time.

latest sewing project. Skirt w/ tulle.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

i found them!

Remember a while back, when I said I wanted to find a pair of stud earrings and a necklace with glasses on? Well. I found them. Oh the joy.

Friday, October 23, 2009


the stuffy nose. My sister got me sick.. So convenient when I have a week off. Chucks.

is something wrong with me?

No, its more likely the total opposite. I signed a contract with Espresso House today. (my pre-hawaiian job). That means that I have two jobs (one signed up and done for, today), an internship at a Fashion Department Stores Headquarters starting week 49(end of november) and PatternConstruction school.

It's kinda sick - how everything just flows right now. For reals. Might be sressful, but also absolutely wonderful before going back to Hawaii. Best part about it all is that the Fashion Department Store and Espresso House wants me to come back to them when I'm home in between semesters next year for Emma's graduation. And the didn't care that I was going back in you months. O-M-Gosh. Gotta say, I missed being a Barista for a while. The guests and the people I worked with were so nice!

Blessings, blessings!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


“ On matters of style, swim with the current. On matters of principle, stand like a rock.

Thomas Jefferson.

Well Mr Jefferson, I'd say "agreed" to "stand like a rock" when it comes to principles, but also "swim in your own direction a little, while following the current". Everyone needs to be comfortable with their own style and explore. Don't just follow the current. You need to be YOU. (and I'm not just talking about personal style now.) The people I admire the most are the ones who are themselves, and not just what everyone else wants/expects/tells them to be.

the make of hands.

This is the result of one of my sewing projects. I just had to make this one after all that "Balmain"-ing i did in school.

Hmm.. well, you might not see the broad shoulders as much, but this is the black top I made.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

scraped knees and a bruised ego.

Sure. Sick day today. Sabine must have contaminated me. She's been sick all week. And here I thought that I've become immune. Nope.

Saddest thing today is the slip-and-fall I did after picking up the pizzas with Sabine today. GOOD THING no one saw, and all I got was a bruised ego.. Well, that, and a scraped knee and torn jeans. Fantastic way to start this week.

Though unluckiness opened this week, I managed to make a skirt today. White with tulle knots in the front and a big sipper in the back. Picture will be uploaded later.

Now: cough drops, aspirin and some sleep.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

hard work, work, work.

I've been prepping for two job interviews this week. Right after I got back to school from the other interview on Wednesday, another place called for an interview two days after. So I had a second job interview on Thursday. Yesterday, the kids clothing store called back and want me to come work for them on Thursday to see how i would fit in with them, and how I would like it.

The funniest thing is that I blamed my interviews on "doctors appointments", but I did have my sketch ready for Jeanette on Thursday. So I didn't really have to be there at 12.30 sharp.

We started a "roll play" this week in school too. This means that each person sketches up a detailed design to give to another person that will make the pattern for it, and then hands it over to a second individual that will sew the garment in toille (which pretty much is a first fitting fabric = really rough cotton fabric). A roll play.

It'll be so nice with flexhours
though during the coming 3 weeks of the roll play. Also spelled S-l-e-e-p_i-n.

In school we work with Gerbers patternconstruction program on Mondays & Thuesdays, and I absolutely LOVE it! For me, the program has been super easy to work with, and I wish I could say that about my fellow classmates. But I'm always way ahead of assignments and end up doing my own designs and consturctions from Wed-Fri Manual construction classes. Which also might be what I've learned the most doing.

Man this week has passed faster than no other...

This weekend doesn't really have anything exciting planned out. But I might be getting together for some tea and cookies with Stephanie later today.

Oh, ya! Two of my gift certificates came to very good use yesterday. I bought two wonderful tights from H&M (that have a wide waistband on it = We likie!). GinaTricot then treated me to a nice long cardigan, t-shirt with a Rockchick inspired print on it, a vest and a really cool black ballooned shirt (on sale for $6).

Best part about yesterday was that I met one of my old co-workers, Ammi. We worked together at GinaTricot a few years ago, and she is my favorite person in the world. So sweet, nice and honest. Oh, how I like Ammi. She deserves so much better then all the crap she gets at GinaTricot. but I'm really glad I met her last night.

On top of all the niceness yesterday
was to skype with Brittany. I miss her a lot. She is like my sister, and I really can't wait to see her on pretty much a daily basis again. Just skypeing makes it a little bit harder.

This is Brittany. One of the last days I had back in Hawaii too. We were waiting in front of Heathers house to go down to Swapmeet. I miss swapmeet too. It's all crap and cheap tourist bracelets, but I love it anyway.

Love for the weekend folks'!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Comme des Enfants
Today I had an interview with a interior design&childrens clothing store. Everything went really well and I'll get to know by the end of the week if I got it or not. Help me keep fingers crossed!

A jewelery store called me after school for an interview on Thursday as well. On fire or what? :)


Monday, October 12, 2009

all the young dudes

I've finally put my portfolio together, and filled out the application forms for Art Scholarships next year. YAY!

Now I'll just have to wait and see. Kepp your fingers crossed, cuz I got an Art Scholarship last year.


Monday, October 05, 2009

a few things you DIDN'T know about me:

  • was in a Lucia (Swedish thing...) aka Christmas Caroling Contest.
  • love pears & baby carrots
  • am a apple juice addict. (orange too sometimes)
  • favorite color is navy (or any really dark blue color)
  • hate hairspray, and only use it when REALLY necessary
  • secretly loves playing Christmas songs on the piano, even if its in the middle of a hot summer.

Sunday, October 04, 2009


Its been somewhat of a slow saturday. Good company though. Dad, I and Sabine visited Emma at work. And I have time to do stuff again, since I'm unemployed. Again. Fricken A.

Top Streetwear,
where I used to work, decided to close the store down in all haste. And I didn't even get to know. my co-workers Bobby and Monika told me a week ago. Very very sketch. So everyone was fired.


We got Dad to try on this SUPER UGLY hat at GinaTricot. Shame on those who're gonna be wearing this this winter. not okay. hahaha!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

H&M for Men

Yes please!

coincidence? i think not.

I'm sitting here, listening to the soundtrack to "500 Days of Summer" (If you haven't seen that movie, by the way, go see it!), and the soundtrack is absolutly fabulous.

But, as I'm listening and sewing on a new project, my mind wonders off to something that feels like such a long time ago, but isn't really so long ago, and peoples names pop up in my head.

Facebook is on. And one of the people I thought of logged on the facebook chat, (which I'm pretty much never on). "Thinking of the devil" right? I don't think its a coincidence.

Random and insightful.

But there are a lot of people I miss lately. As it is very cold and windy in Sweden, and my room is freezing cold at night. I cuddle up in my comforter and blanket and think back of the times in Hawaii.

Well, I'm gonna finish up this project. And keep thinking.

discretion of boy&girl. boy vs girl.

more subtle flirting please.
more midnight calls.
more x's and o's.
more of accidental bumping in to.

more Russian roulette with hearts and feelings.

just more.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

best music video ever.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lo and behold. I know know how to make these:

balmain.jpg image by b_bea

So I've been trying some constructions and designs this past week and now, after my own tries and a few guiding tips from my 'teacher extraordinare', know how to make these Balmain wonder-shoulder jackets & dresses. And I'm in love. Watch out, I'll be making these for myself in a near future!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Best birthday ever. Best 22nd.

yesterday (my birthday) was absolutely Fabulous! I am so lucky to have the friends and family I have. They really made this birthday memorable!

The morning started with the wakeup to "Happy Birthday" and a divine chocolate cake with lit candles and a birthday wish. Gifts were opened, and truly loved. With a sugar kick I went off to school.

After school, I went to Institute to meet up with a whole bunch of people that put a birthday crown and Hawaiian plastic Lei (yes, indeed! good thing they didn't get me a coconut bra though), and we all went to dinner at TGI Friday's. We were a big party of 16 people (8 boys and 8 girls), and had a blast at Friday's till midnight. They sang, and later on the whole Friday's crew came to sing for me too It was absolutely the best time I've ever had. Even better then the goodbye dinner at Cheesecake Factory in April.

the crown they made me wear

Fridays crew singing

on the train home for the night

the end.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Last day as 21, tomorrow I'll be bringing 22 on.

Lily Allen - 22
"Til the man of her dreams comes along picks her up
and puts her over his shoulder"
The Starting Line - 21
I'm 21 and I'm already hazy
What am I gonna.. what am I gonna do?"

just some sweet songs :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

i miss figure drawing class

Oh yes, I do.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Killers, and Sundayprepp in worldclass.

Nails are being painted in a sweet coral pink tone while varieties of Killer The Killers songs play on iTunes. Yes, at 1 am at nighttime. When else?

Peace, :]

Friday, September 18, 2009

bring it on! bring my freakin birthday on!

Ah, I just want it to be my birthday already! Come on, bring it on! Bring on the cake, singing, congratulatory texts and messeges, gifts and the love. I feel a little bit like a kid before christmas day. I'm so excited!

Bring it on! I amd so ready to turn 22!

friday chill

I Nine - Seven Days of Lonely

nostalgia and weird memories - - -

On my way home from school today, I saw a boy that I went to school with. First to seventh grade, to be more exact. Way log time ago in Bethlehem..
I vision myself, in fifth, or maybe even sixth grade, on my way to his birthday party. That was when my family had just moved in to the same neighborhood as him. I remember how I that night, with slight success, plucked my eyebrows for the first time. I also remember not doing it to well on one side, ending with a slight glitch and having to fill it out with my Moms eyebrowpen.

dear heavens.. The things we remember.

- let the dam break at any hour

Oh sweet craziness' this week. Craziness like no other. Good and bad.

I got my BYUH acceptance letter, visa papers and housing application. Turns out I need to apply for a whole new visa, had to call BYUH housing to tell them that "yes, i have attended BYUH for two semesters already, so I'm eligeble for off-campus housing", email a ton of people to get my byuh-page working (and it still isn't.. frick!), school is currently rolling at 140 mph and i have this toally crazy "fabric calculation" in a 1:4 scale (including seam allowances) to do before the 25th, work every saturday - for what feels like the rest off my life - and the list can go on and on.

But I'm glad to be backa t work at the same time. My co-workers loudly expressed their happiness with me being back every Saturday to work with them. I love them!

And my birthday is coming up. on Wednesday the 23d, to be more exact, and I have no idea what to wish for really.. It's so sad. :( I just want to be celebrated, loved and cuddled with, bu friends and family. Is that so wrong? And a few gift certificates could never go wrong for a poor student.

Man.. Autumn really hit Sweden hard this week, and it is beautiful and chilly. I finally got to pull out my favorite army green trench from H&M, heeled boots and knee stockings this week. I love it. Layers. Gosh I've missed layers.

The weekend is coming up. Really fast too. Tomorrow I'll be chilling with the other YSA's at the institute centre, that will be interesting, but new people have moved up to Stockholm, which makes life so much more interesting.

Peace <3

Thursday, September 10, 2009


colors "in crave": orange, pink, strawberry and white.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Love of the week.

Kelly Clarkson - Don't Let Me Stop You

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

photoshoot 101

We (me, my sisters and my best friend) had a really cool photoshoot last night. I'll post pictures later. This one is taken outside our house, with my cam.

shout out

Just wanted to give a shout out to Brittany, who is sick and has an ear infection. That really sucks. I used to get ear infections all the time as a kid, I know how bad it hurts.

So Brittany,
I hope you'll get better and that you're being taken care of.

Lots of love,
Jackie Lady

exercise 101

Just got back from the Gym with Emma and Sabine.

Incredibly nice! Last time I actually went to the gym was in march. Sadly enough. Well, I have gone to some kick-boxing sessions, and taken a few running trips around the neighborhood. But it was so nice to finally be able to go to the gym and give it my all, feel my back, arms and legs burn.

Who said exercise can't be effortless. I find it absolutely liberating at times.

Guess who's gonna be sore tomorrow? - Me.


Ps. Say what you want, but I am so excited for the new Gossip Girl Episodes, starting September 14. I told you September is a good month! (.. my birthday month and all.)

Sunday, September 06, 2009

to be

on the other side of the world.

12hr time difference.

its weird.

Sometimes I think of everyone being in he same timezone.

Maybe because everyone seems so real and on time.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

a westlife moment

Sabine, my younger sister, is know in our family for being the boy-band-lover. Westlife to be more exact. But last night, when she was in town with a couple of friends, me and Emma found ourselves in the bathroom, brushing our teeth, and without no warning we started singing Westlife's "When You're Looking Like That".

We looked at each other and started laughing. Why were we having a Westlife Moment when Sabine WASN'T home??


Friday, September 04, 2009

music for the heart

Green River Ordinance - On Your Own

Delta Goodrem - In This Life


I just finished the finale episode of 'So You Think You Can Dance', season 5, and realized that I was crying really bad. Many of the routines performed on the finale episode touched me and made me cry. One routine especially, choreographed by Mia Michaels, called "Addiction", was performed by Kayla & Kupono.

Jaykaiy Design Fall 2009 Peices

So far, I've made a few pieces for my Fall 2009 line. All items are for sale, they're 25 dollars each.
Email me for more information or ordering.


Oversized Lace top - One size (M-L)

Gray Jaykaiy Jersey Skirt, size 8

Tan Shorts with open pleats, size 8

i hate my life

I've had the worst headache all week, and this morning, on my way to school my migrane breaks out. of course. So I'm in school till 6pm, with a migrane beyond normal (if there is such a thing as normal migrane), wishing I was in a dark, chill room.

...While folding biesenpleats in 1:4 scale...

I hate my life... in other words: I hate migrane.

Top with Biesenpleats (broader type of "narrow" pleats)

September 3rd, Nat!

Happy Birthday sweetest Nathalie Wiklöf! 22-years-old ain't bad, and you really deserve to be celebrated with big pompous deeds. I'm so sorry I'm not in Hawaii to celebrate with you, but I'll make it up to you next year, ey? :)

I hope you'll avoid "sleeze bag" today, and that your gifts are way to good to be true, and the people too.

Lots of love,
Jacqueline "Smackaroo" Usterud

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

three wishes honey.

September, month of my birth, is finally here and I feel like I should start writing a wishlist.I'm having trouble coming up with things to wish for though. Gift cards (clothing gift cards that is) are always highly appreciated, and will be benefit since I'm not actually a real poor student.

With that said; there is one item I want. Its a necklace with glasses on it. Really cool and of "I-want-that" status.


Gift cards
Necklace with glasses
Pair of Stud earrings (to go along with my studded ring)
Bag (and clutch)
A pair of short biker boots with straps crossed over the front of the foot.
Stud earrings

More to think about, add add on, too.

september fresh.

I was thinking of starting September off with some hair dyeing. My slightly sun-bleached and rootshowing hair got a "facelift" and ended up a few tones darker. In the true spirit of brunettes of course. Today it looked kind of black-ish though. But it'll wash out and "calm down". Thank goodness.

Before & After

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

jonah. jonah the bike.

So I have this friend, who is in love with his bike, and is having it shipped over to Hawaii instead of buying a new one.

his reason for this being: "but I can't get rid of Jonah (the bike). No way."
I'm laughing so hard right now, you guys don't even know!

weekend funtimes

Oh yeah, I totally forgot to tell you! After school on Friday, I met up with Fiston to talk business ideas and ended up at 'Café 60' for 2 hours. Fiston, who is and was very excited about my business idea, wanted to talk more and took me to his 15-year-old track team training, and then gave me a ride to Hammarbyhöjden where I met Stephanie and babysat Lea 1-year-old, (Steph's older brothers baby daughter). She is incredibly cute and such a nice and calm baby.

Hans and David, my friends from Örebro, came up to play. So, I left Steph with Lea (who really was babysitting her and I kept her company, the baby was a plus :D) to get on a train home to Åkersberga (which is where I live and basically means Fieldsberg), where I met up with David and Hans and played cardgames all night. Totally crazy, we all went babanas on cardgames and started watching a movie at 3.30am and crashed after 10 minutes.

Saturday was spent with a late (very late) lunch/early dinner and then off to the movies with the boys and my sisters. We saw Quentin Tarantino's new movie "Inglorious Basterds". Powerfull, a bit morbid, and violent movie with humorous parts. At the end of the movie, people applaude. Talk about feeling. Except for Tarantino using the actors flair for language (many of the actors being born in other countries and, of course, speaks another language), Tarantino reflects Nazism and WW2 in a way that I think a lot of people would have liked to see it go down in reality. An Amazing movie to say the least, especially for me and my sisters, having Jewish ancestry.

On Sunday Hans went home to Örebro, while David slept over till Monday (Yesterda) and will be spending the rest of the week with his older brother, that lives in Stockholm City.

A great weekend, to say the least. Even though me and Emma got really sick on Sunday.


B remember this??

and you shall be sent

back to Hawaii.

yes, it is very true. This morning, I got my acceptance letter from BYU Hawaii. I woke up, reading my emails and noticed a mail with "CES Admissions have reached a decision regarding your application" and almost felt myself fainting. Not daring to open the app. site, I got ready and then had to read it. As soon as I read that I was re-admitted to BYUH I jumped on my sisters - who at that moment were deep in their beauty sleep - and told them my news. And of course, since they are the best sisters ever, they jumped up with me and cheered.

So on my way to school at 8am this morning, I listened to songs that reminded me of Hawaii, and it hit me again:
I'm readmitted and will be going back in January! I'm so happy I could die!

I have a ton of things to get done before going back; Housing, class reg, Visa and some other stuff.

Oh, I'm so excited.

Monday, August 31, 2009

IKEA love

So, my sisters and our best friend David (from Örebro) just got back from IKEA. While I was at school, staring at a screen, and finishing off all tasks way before everyone else (and getting extra assignments) - yes, I have to brag a little - they were trying out beds, jumping in sofas, eating meatballs and looking at utensils. Yes, I'm jealous.

'Cuz my head was spinning (round, round, baby, round round).

Anyways. Good thing they brought me back a pack of toblerone.

follow me down to the valley below.

Yet another one of those awesome Spotity finds, that I have fallen completely in love with. Porcupine Tree, and of course, the reappearance of The Helio Sequence's Hallelujah on my playlist. Gotta love it.

Porcupine Tree - Lazarus

Sunday, August 30, 2009


"Your village called. They want their idiot back."


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Goodnight Folks.

Judy Collins - Send In The Clowns

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sushi with sis

Sabine, who says she totally hates sushi, was dragged to a sushi restaurant with me yesterday. The only sushi she doesn't really like is the salmon on, or any fish. So that was just a California-roll-test waiting to happen. And she totally loved the vegetarian sushi rolls! Which makes me rally happy too, she has to learn to love sushi.

At the Sushi restaurant Itamae (close to where I go to school).

Sunday, August 23, 2009

BYUH app.

Done, and done. All I have left now is two or three weeks of waiting to do.

kiss with the fist.

So (man, I've noticed that I start a lot of these posts with "so"), yesterday, as I was zapping through TV channels, the 50's movie "Singing in the Rain" came on! Although I've heard music from that movie - Such as: Singing in the rain & Good Morning, Good Morning - I've never actually seen the movie. And now it's one of my favorite movies of all times, along with d'Amelie Poulain.

I remember me and my younger sister, Sabine, making up a routine for "Singing in the Rain" for a YM/YW conference way back in the days. Might even have been in 2003. Me, Sabine and three other people from our ward preformed that routing at a opening ceremony and the dance for that night had a 50's theme.

Dude. Way long time ago.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Yes! One step closer!

So, tomorrow, after church, I'll have my interview, for the very last missing part of my application to Hawaii. The Ecclesiastical Endorsement, as beautifully as it's called.

So hopefully, I'll know within 3 weeks or so if I'm coming back to Hawaii or not.
Keep your thumbs crossed people, because I really want to.



Katy Perry - Thinking of You

So, here's the thing; I'm totally in love with this Katy Perry song. And I've heard so many people complain about Katy Perry, but I don't care. I think she's totally cool, different and good looking. She reminds me of Zooey Deschanel, who also is one of the coolest actresses ever (referring to "500 days of Summer" - GO SEE IT!).


Comparisons are easily done
Once you've had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one
I still got the seed

You said move on
Where do I go
I guess second best
Is all I will know

Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What do I do? if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes

You're like an Indian summer
In the middle of a winter
Like a hard candy
With a surprise center
How do I get better
Once I've had the best
You said there's
Tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test

He kissed my lips
I taste your mouth
He pulled me in
I was disgusted with myself

Cause when I'm with him
I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What do I do? if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into...

You're the best
And yes I do regret
How I could let myself
Let you go
Now the lesson's learned
I touched it I was burned
Oh I think you should know

Cause when I'm with him (Ohhhhhhhhh)
I am thinking of you (Ohohohhoh)
Thinking of you (Oh!)
What do I do? if
You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I
Was looking into your eyes

Looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Oh won't you walk through
And bust in the door
And take me away
Oh no more mistakes
Cause in your eyes I'd like to stay...

Friday, August 21, 2009

give me.

clear lens aviator glasses - 10 dollar

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

tear down these walls

All Time Low - Walls

the everyday walz.

Fact: I'm the girl who studies some "fussy" art & fashion classes, drinks tea out of a Starbucks thermos and wears converse to her skirt, and the vegetarian who eats oatmeal for lunch (because she was to tired/lazy to make a lunchbox the night before, and hit snooze a couple of times to many in the morning to make one).

You're Welcome.