Friday, October 23, 2009

is something wrong with me?

No, its more likely the total opposite. I signed a contract with Espresso House today. (my pre-hawaiian job). That means that I have two jobs (one signed up and done for, today), an internship at a Fashion Department Stores Headquarters starting week 49(end of november) and PatternConstruction school.

It's kinda sick - how everything just flows right now. For reals. Might be sressful, but also absolutely wonderful before going back to Hawaii. Best part about it all is that the Fashion Department Store and Espresso House wants me to come back to them when I'm home in between semesters next year for Emma's graduation. And the didn't care that I was going back in you months. O-M-Gosh. Gotta say, I missed being a Barista for a while. The guests and the people I worked with were so nice!

Blessings, blessings!

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