Monday, July 27, 2009

i just want to be one of the girls.

-Katy Perry

I'm thinking about tomorrow.
I have to start packing.. Am I to lazy to pack? There's two days left, I HAVE TO PACK! I'm always the one to pack two weeks before leaving, and it's now less than three days left. PANIC! In between sewing my shorts, I've done laundry loads. Of course I'd wanna bring all of my favorite outfits to Los Angeles and Medford. OF COURSE! The suitcase is on the floor together with the huge bag of Swedish candy for the Americans that I ran down to the store to get. I thought that it would only be fair to get Paul and Brittany some good stuff, since Paul, that kind boy, sent a whole box full of my favorite American candy and gum from the States a few weeks ago. Fabulous!

Swedish Candy folks:

The bag to the far left contains the REAL Swedish fish. Both fruit flavored and salt liquorice. I gotta say though, the American version of Swedish fish is so much better then ours are. They taste totally differently.

Tomorrow I'll be eating lunch with my Dad at some new vegetarian place he found in Stockholm. YES! Wednesday will be the 6th month celebration of me being vegetarian. And I will admit, I've never felt better! Really!

After lunch I'll have to run over to a store called "Mattson's Band" to buy some decorative chains for Brittany's shirt, mail that t-shirt order and pick up a transfer before going to see the new Harry Potter movie with my sister and my Dad. Anyone seen it? Comments?


All Time Low - Walls


Interesting day. First day of vacationing included making a pair of fabulous shorts. And yes, they're made by moï. I'm so pleased!

Please excuse the crappy pics..

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Last Day of Work.

Today, (and yes, I am such a sinner), it was my last day of work. My boss asked me to work this Sunday before she went on her vacation, obviously so that I could totally be pepped for mine, haha. So as from now, and tomorrow, I'm on vacation. Packing is on my list for tomorrows things 2do, along with making a pair of shorts, mailing a t-shirt order and fixing a pair of leggings that ripped.

This week though, has been lovely. Work has been awesome and time just flew by. Last Monday This lady in my ward, and our Relief Society President (She is THE coolest lady ever), Gunilla, asked Sabine, Stephanie and I to come over for a few hours to eat some fresh blueberry pie&ice-cream and enjoy the sun with her. That was the best start of my week! Not only is she such a sweet and good-hearted person, but she also sews clothes for herself and for others, all the time. She is so creative! She just reeks of inspiration! I think we've all meet one older person in our lives that just inspires us. Gunilla is that person.


Sabine - HAHA

Stephanie and I.

Anyways. I really hope your week wasn't too bad? Oh, Im so looking forward to getting on that flight on Thursday morning.


Imogen Heap - First Train Home

The Noisettes - Don't Upset The Rythm (Go Baby)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mad TV ftw.

Flight booked? - Check!

YES! I just bought my ticket to the states. Wonderful! On Thursday July 30th I'll be flying over the Atlantic again to visit my dear friends Paul and Brittany McPhee in Oregon. Not to mention the always so spunky Ashley Bjork. Who else might I see?

Oh, I'm so excited!!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

ready. go!

So, no YSA conference as (kinda) planned eariler. Thank goodness... Instead of that, I quit my job yesterda, managed to get my sister instead of me, wo I'll be chilling at home for a few days next week and then go to THE US! And I'll be back just in time for school to start! Perfect!

When in the states this seems to be the plan:

Fall Out Boy concert
Visists in Los Angeles, San Fransisco, (San José), Portland
Yardwork @ the McPhee's to helo out for their brothers homecoming from Costa Rica
Wicked musical
Swimming, mini-campingtrip
Meet Ashley in Portland (who will btw be marriying her Poly in December!)

Ay, ay, ay. And when I'll be back in Sweden again, (ps, I will be updating the blog in Oregon too), its back to Pattern Constructor 4-sure. Makes my soul happy!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lady is the new Babe

I've heard so many people say "Lady" these past nine months to each other (and to me) that I've really started to like it. Shouldn't it be somehow offending or wrong to be called a lady at the age of 21?

I remember my Mom telling me a story once, when she went to BYU and worked at the bookstore and one woman and her 5 year-old came up to the counter and she told her son to give the money to the "lady", and my Mom flinched once the woman (not even 4 years older that my Mom) called her Lady. Wow. And that's exactly how I felt. I guess that "lady" is something you grow in to.

And since "lady" somehow have become the new "babe", I guess it ain't so bad after all.

Monday, July 20, 2009

the brushing of theeth syndrome

Alright. I have a question. How come that I (and I guess other people can recognize themselves in this too) spill, or half-spit out toothpaste on my clothes when I brush my teeth at night? Could it possibly be a "symtome" of the fact that I'm somehow often too tired when I remember that: OH YEAH! I have to brush my teeth aswell!

and no, this doesn't happen on a daily basis. FYI.

Goodnight Folks

Peaces - Lose You

I LOVE this song, so much! It has this totally addictive sound to it. Perfect!

Peaces - Lose You

Except for feeling extremely vulnerable right now, I also feel kinda stupid for putting myself in ridiculous situations. So, just another Sunday on repeat.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

weekend plesures

Both Friday and Saturday night have ended with the sweetness and chillness of nightswims at our fantastic lake a few minutes away. Totally amazing! We all stood at the end of the bridge deck and felt the tepid water on our feet and jumped in the water. Both nights somehow ended up chilling an hour and a half at McDonald's. Don't really know how that happened though. Maybe it's one of those Hawaiian habits I picked up? I mean, we kinda always went for acai bowls, food, Matsumoto's or ice cream after the beach..

Friday: With Sabine & Stephanie
Saturday: Sabine & David Luthman (that, just as he had these past 4 weekends, driven up to Stockholm. Haha)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The S-C-O-O-P

Okay. So here it is:

I got a ton of job interviews in June, followed by a job, applied for the Pattern constructor Program, got in to the Pattern Constructor program at Cutters Academy (starting August) and Fashion Studies at Stockholm's University. I've also been a leader for a Young Women/Young Mens Conference for a week, visited some friends in Örebro (a city 2,5 hours away) and started printing Jaykaiy t-shirts again. I'm sure that I forgot a ton of things that I've been up to lately. Including not updating my blog.

I've pretty much been working, all the time. At first they wanted me to work 6 days a week (9 hours a day) with only a 30 minutes break for lunch. And I said no, first of all because no one is really sharp and alert from working that many hours 6 days a week. Plus I'd have church on the seventh and that would give me NO TIME at all to sleep, revitalize and get back on track. So when they told me I'd be working Mon-Sat on the job interview I thought "Okay, every other Saturday and a weekday off". No, no no. And when I asked my boss about it the very first week she understood when I told her that I couldn't work 6 days a week and tried to negotiated it down to giving me Mondays off with the guy that's in charge of staff. So when that half worked I started negotiating with him and stood my ground on 5 days a week, plus that would give him staff that is alert and willing to work. The store would get more out of it. And I now have Sundays and Mondays off. It's ridiculous how I had to negotiate 2 days off a week.. stupid!

Anyways. That place isn't the best... good thing I'm quitting before school and my planned trip to visit Paul and Brittany in Oregon.

Oh yeah, that too! I'm visiting the States again! End of July till August 15th or something. All I have left to do is book my ticket, pretty much. And I'm so excited! I'll be road tripping down San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Disneyland and up to Portland. So I'll plug in that American SIM-card of mine so my Amerian (Hawaiian) number will be available again.

So what do you guys think of me coming back to Hawaii in January? I really want to, and I'm working on my application, since I have to reapply again.

So anyways, time for a relaxing bath after a long day of work. Peace

Wednesday : Pull out the denimshirt and go to work!

So I'm borrowing my sister Emma's super cute denim shirt for work today. Pulling on a pair of leggings with zippers (gosh i missed wearing leggings like pants at BYU) and now I'm ready for work this wonderful sunny Wednesday morning!

See ya!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Monday fabulouso!

My Monday off, spent with the always so fabulous Fatima and my sister Sabine. Fatima is one of my best friends. She is also the one that's attending BYU in Provo. We both left Sweden, only a few days apart, to start our adventures in the states. She's going back now in August, and I'm almost 100% sure that I'll be coming back in January. But I haven't decided if I'm going back to Hawaii or if I'm gonna try my luck in Provo. I miss alot of people in Hawaii though.. We'll see.

Anyways. Fatima is wonderful and I'm glad that I spent both Sunday (after church) and my Monday off with her and my sister.

(More on the what-has-happened-lately scoop tomorrow.. I'm soo tired!)

Monday, July 13, 2009


i miss you. end of story.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Peace and Joy

Sorry I've taken forever to update my blog. I feel like everything has been going so fast lately and I forgot you Englishreading people. I really am sorry.

I promise to update later today or tomorrow about everything that has happened to me.
For now I'll leave you with this supersweet "facebook-letter" I got from Erin the other day. Gosh I miss her. And how I miss Hawaii. I'm 80% sure that I'll be back for Winter semester.
