Thursday, July 23, 2009

ready. go!

So, no YSA conference as (kinda) planned eariler. Thank goodness... Instead of that, I quit my job yesterda, managed to get my sister instead of me, wo I'll be chilling at home for a few days next week and then go to THE US! And I'll be back just in time for school to start! Perfect!

When in the states this seems to be the plan:

Fall Out Boy concert
Visists in Los Angeles, San Fransisco, (San José), Portland
Yardwork @ the McPhee's to helo out for their brothers homecoming from Costa Rica
Wicked musical
Swimming, mini-campingtrip
Meet Ashley in Portland (who will btw be marriying her Poly in December!)

Ay, ay, ay. And when I'll be back in Sweden again, (ps, I will be updating the blog in Oregon too), its back to Pattern Constructor 4-sure. Makes my soul happy!!

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