Tuesday, September 01, 2009

weekend funtimes

Oh yeah, I totally forgot to tell you! After school on Friday, I met up with Fiston to talk business ideas and ended up at 'Café 60' for 2 hours. Fiston, who is and was very excited about my business idea, wanted to talk more and took me to his 15-year-old track team training, and then gave me a ride to Hammarbyhöjden where I met Stephanie and babysat Lea 1-year-old, (Steph's older brothers baby daughter). She is incredibly cute and such a nice and calm baby.

Hans and David, my friends from Örebro, came up to play. So, I left Steph with Lea (who really was babysitting her and I kept her company, the baby was a plus :D) to get on a train home to Åkersberga (which is where I live and basically means Fieldsberg), where I met up with David and Hans and played cardgames all night. Totally crazy, we all went babanas on cardgames and started watching a movie at 3.30am and crashed after 10 minutes.

Saturday was spent with a late (very late) lunch/early dinner and then off to the movies with the boys and my sisters. We saw Quentin Tarantino's new movie "Inglorious Basterds". Powerfull, a bit morbid, and violent movie with humorous parts. At the end of the movie, people applaude. Talk about feeling. Except for Tarantino using the actors flair for language (many of the actors being born in other countries and, of course, speaks another language), Tarantino reflects Nazism and WW2 in a way that I think a lot of people would have liked to see it go down in reality. An Amazing movie to say the least, especially for me and my sisters, having Jewish ancestry.


On Sunday Hans went home to Örebro, while David slept over till Monday (Yesterda) and will be spending the rest of the week with his older brother, that lives in Stockholm City.

A great weekend, to say the least. Even though me and Emma got really sick on Sunday.


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