Friday, September 18, 2009

- let the dam break at any hour

Oh sweet craziness' this week. Craziness like no other. Good and bad.

I got my BYUH acceptance letter, visa papers and housing application. Turns out I need to apply for a whole new visa, had to call BYUH housing to tell them that "yes, i have attended BYUH for two semesters already, so I'm eligeble for off-campus housing", email a ton of people to get my byuh-page working (and it still isn't.. frick!), school is currently rolling at 140 mph and i have this toally crazy "fabric calculation" in a 1:4 scale (including seam allowances) to do before the 25th, work every saturday - for what feels like the rest off my life - and the list can go on and on.

But I'm glad to be backa t work at the same time. My co-workers loudly expressed their happiness with me being back every Saturday to work with them. I love them!

And my birthday is coming up. on Wednesday the 23d, to be more exact, and I have no idea what to wish for really.. It's so sad. :( I just want to be celebrated, loved and cuddled with, bu friends and family. Is that so wrong? And a few gift certificates could never go wrong for a poor student.

Man.. Autumn really hit Sweden hard this week, and it is beautiful and chilly. I finally got to pull out my favorite army green trench from H&M, heeled boots and knee stockings this week. I love it. Layers. Gosh I've missed layers.

The weekend is coming up. Really fast too. Tomorrow I'll be chilling with the other YSA's at the institute centre, that will be interesting, but new people have moved up to Stockholm, which makes life so much more interesting.

Peace <3

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