Thursday, May 28, 2009

Title & registration

So Dashboard songs are playing, constantly in my head while i go on with life here. I'm sorry I haven't written in a long time. Much has been on my mind, and a lot of things have had to be done.

I've finished and sent in all my entrance project stuff for the 'Pattern Constructor' program, had 3 job interviews - where one was a disaster, with a super hoity stuck-up guy, but the others were good, I've gone to another wedding (my mum's cousins wedding), had a birthday party for my sister, sketched on dresses for two girls that have ordered some, cleansed out my room (for reals this time) and gone on mini-road trips in the sun with my sisters and my best friend, started reading books, and the list can go on and on.

So safe to say, I've had a lot to do.

Pictures? Yes! :D
Enjoying the sun in my Sunny hometown with my sisters.

Time for giving a talk in church.

Printing a shirt for Birthdayboy Paul two weeks ago.

Celebrating my sisters 20th birthday the other week with my Dad&his wife Elena (she's from the Philippines, did I tell you that?)

Shopping for fabric to my best friends graduation dress and enjoying the gleaming sunshine Stockholm City has to offer.

with 7eleven strawberry yoghurt ice-cream. I swear, 7eleven in Sweden isn't even close to as crusty as the ones in Hawaii. I promise! You would faint if you knew the NICENESS of 7eleven here!

Roadtripping it out!

I made a picture wall! Can you see yourself in it? If not, sen me a picture and I'll put you up on it! :D

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