Wednesday, August 19, 2009


So, as I was pondering on the bus this morning. Yes, I tend to do that when I have way to much free time.. I found that, even though I feel kinda old (I know, 21-going-on-22 isn't that bad), I have managed to do a whole bunch of things in my life so far.

3 years of Fashion&Design Studies.
Work for 4 years (also while still in highschool)
Make a debut Fashion line (Jaykaiy) and sold every item through a blog.
Study a year in Hawaii, BYU Hawaii, (Art & Business studies)
Becoming a TA for Art department at BYU-Hawaii
Apply to a fashion school (FIDM), get in, decide not to go (because of ridiculous expenses).
Work again
Apply for new studies back in Sweden
Start Clothing Pattern Construction Program (That, by the end of the semester, will give me a diploma)

Not to bad, eh?

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