Sunday, July 26, 2009

Last Day of Work.

Today, (and yes, I am such a sinner), it was my last day of work. My boss asked me to work this Sunday before she went on her vacation, obviously so that I could totally be pepped for mine, haha. So as from now, and tomorrow, I'm on vacation. Packing is on my list for tomorrows things 2do, along with making a pair of shorts, mailing a t-shirt order and fixing a pair of leggings that ripped.

This week though, has been lovely. Work has been awesome and time just flew by. Last Monday This lady in my ward, and our Relief Society President (She is THE coolest lady ever), Gunilla, asked Sabine, Stephanie and I to come over for a few hours to eat some fresh blueberry pie&ice-cream and enjoy the sun with her. That was the best start of my week! Not only is she such a sweet and good-hearted person, but she also sews clothes for herself and for others, all the time. She is so creative! She just reeks of inspiration! I think we've all meet one older person in our lives that just inspires us. Gunilla is that person.


Sabine - HAHA

Stephanie and I.

Anyways. I really hope your week wasn't too bad? Oh, Im so looking forward to getting on that flight on Thursday morning.

1 comment:

Anna Banana said...

hey girl! Lovely blog. I think I need to become Swedish to become cool.