Thursday, March 26, 2009

The death of an Interior Decorator

Oh my gosh, so i totally skipped one of my classes so I'd be able to sit in the math lab and finish my homework, 3 chapters of homework to be exact. I got chapter 9.1's homework done, started 9.2, got frustrated with it and started 9.3. Long story short: I still have half of two chapters homework left.... Ugh. Note to everyone: I was in there from 1.15-7.15.. Oh my gosh! And also, I only had breakfast, so i had to run over to the caf real quick to eat something, which happened to be a nasty fish soup & rice. Then Paul and Sam started talking about rats and said something about my soup probably having rats in it, and I got totally disgusted and couldn't eat it all.
I had no time what so ever to finish up the tie dyeing, fixing of jeans or Heathers bag :(.

Straight after math lab I drifted off to Kaneohe with Paul to look for a bday present for B. But the mall was closing 30 minutes later so we ended up just hanging out at Borders finding books for each other and seeing "Knowing" (with Nicolas Cage) at the Regal Cinema. Good movie actually. Must have been a Mormon involved in making the movie somehow though. See it, you'll get what I'm saying. It was really cool! My mum would totally like it too because it kinda reminded me of "Signs" with Mel Gibson, which she really liked.

Thank goodness it's a "State Holiday" tomorrow. So more relaxing and free time for me, and my fellow schoolmates too for that matter. P's & B's dad's coming tomorrow for Brittany's birthday on Friday. I think we'll be hanging out with them (P, B & Daddie-o) tomorrow. Nice! I've only met him once, very briefly when he and their mom were here dropping B off in Hawaii. But they went to bed pretty quickly after I got there so i never really talked to them. It's always fun to meet friends parents, to see what they're like. :D

Minitrip to Waikiki tomorow. I'm checking out American Apparel for sure!


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