Thursday, March 12, 2009

swedish cravings.

- Hug my sisters.
- Talk to my best friend Stephanie.
- Have a Swedish phone number.
- Sit at café's in Stockholm City.
- McD Fries.
- Berga Pizzeria (Pizza place in my hometown, their Kebab & Pizza is THE BOMB!).
- Pim boats (a raspberry flavored candy boat).
- Lakrisal (Black licorice candy).
- Marabou (Swedish Chocolate).
- Hallonmumrikar (Also candy...).
- Cuddle w/ and smell our bunnies.
- Sleep in MY bed, in MY house and MY room.
- Take the commuter train aka. The Roslagsbana.
- Shop for Fabrics at "Åke's Fabric Centre".
- Watch a Movie in Town (Sergel Cinema).
- Roadtrips down to Örebro.
- Friends that are on their mission.
- Go for a walk in the forrest behind the area where i live.
- Summerswims at Dommarudden.



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