Thursday, March 12, 2009

green hills and blue, blue skies.

I can barely believe that I'm going home in 31 days. I can't wait! But it is so bittersweet at the same time. I'm leaving all of my friends, Hawaii, my car, most of my closet (sadly enough).. Yes, you can all take a look at the stuff I'm leaving behind. Its gonna be so good to go home for just a few months, relax, pack, rebook, repack, reload.. alot of "re-"s in that home trip. And paperworks for FIDM. Plus, I get to see my family again. More specifically, my sisters. I can't wait to hug them again at the airport. For all they know, I could've gone on a flight to Hawaii, gotten pregnant, had the baby and got back on a flight home again. Haha! No, not really, they know everything that happens to me. It is really wierd not being able to see and hear everything that happens to them everyday, as I used to be able to when I was back home. But it feels good to finally do something with my life. As I was talking to my co-worker Ryan today, while running around the administration building to put barcodes on every "school purchased" painting, we both kind of realized that we don't really "belong" anywhere anymore. When you're home, that's where you belong, but when you leave, i.e. for Hawaii, you start a totally new life there and settle down and get used to your own, new rutines. I still feel a bit like I belong here and home in Sweden. Is that possible? My heart will have bits and pieces of it everywhere. And not to forget London, even though I only lived there for 2 months when I got a scholarship to go there in High School.

Enough said. I miss home. I'm ready to go Home.


Emma, Mom, Me & Sabine

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