Tuesday, September 01, 2009

and you shall be sent

back to Hawaii.

yes, it is very true. This morning, I got my acceptance letter from BYU Hawaii. I woke up, reading my emails and noticed a mail with "CES Admissions have reached a decision regarding your application" and almost felt myself fainting. Not daring to open the app. site, I got ready and then had to read it. As soon as I read that I was re-admitted to BYUH I jumped on my sisters - who at that moment were deep in their beauty sleep - and told them my news. And of course, since they are the best sisters ever, they jumped up with me and cheered.

So on my way to school at 8am this morning, I listened to songs that reminded me of Hawaii, and it hit me again:
I'm readmitted and will be going back in January! I'm so happy I could die!

I have a ton of things to get done before going back; Housing, class reg, Visa and some other stuff.

Oh, I'm so excited.

1 comment:

chellyyy said...

chaaaa whooo. can't wait to see you there lady!