Friday, January 01, 2010

2010 - WELCOME!

Last Nights New Years Party was so much fun. Although the music weren't that good, the people certainly were. I'm so happy to have celebrated the coming of a New Year with them! Last year, at this time, I was in Las Vegas, which is probably why last year was so good too!

No New Years resolutions. They only make people paranoid at the end of the year, which is why I haven't had any for.. ages. My goal will instead be to maintain my motto "to never say anything about someone that you wouldn't tell them face-2-face".

This year I've become better at: organize, tell people what they mean to me and to be more open with my feelings (well, except for anger that is, haha).

Year 2009:
Jan: Leaving Las Vegas for a last semester at BYU Hawaii. Get to know Brittany.
Feb: School continues, I spend most of my time in the Math Lab.
Mars: Brittany & Heathers Birthdays, party held at TB.
April: Leave Hawaii to go home to Sweden again. A bridal shower is held for my childhood friend Amanda.
May: My sister Sabine turns 20. Graduation party á la Stephanie. Realize that FIDM will be WAY too expensive and decide to stay in Sweden. Apply for The Pattern cutter Program.
June: Steph graduates. I get a job.
July: Got accepted to the Pattern Cutter Program. I go as a leader for a YW/YM conference! Start to think that it might be nice to go back to Hawaii again, and start to re-apply.
Aug: Visit Paul & Brittany in Oregon. A roadtrip to San Francisco. School Starts! Got re-admitted to BYU Hawaii.
Sep: I turn 22 and celebrate with great measures. Get to know a whole bunch of cool people from YSA, like Miriam and Marlene. Start Applying for Scholarships.
Oct: Get 2 new jobs. One back att Espresso House and a new one at the baby/childrens clothing store Floralin&Junior. Start registering for classes.
Nov: Work 24/7. Get scholarships from BYU Hawaii and start arranging for living.
Dec: Work, but not 24/7. School ends, and I get an Honoring Award with a diploma and a gift certificate. Celebrations in different places and in different ways are held to enlight the month of December. Packing for Hawaii starts.

All that is left to do now is pack, pack like a maniac. There are piles of clothes on my ironing board and on my carry-on bag. United airlines make you pay for your second bag! If I'd bought my ticket in september, my second bag would've been free... 50 dollar for a second bag. GOSH! I hope the people at Arlanda Airport here in Sweden let me have my second bag for free anyways. One can only hope.

All done for the New years Part last night, with false eyelashes and all. :)

Happy New Year, and see you soon!

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