Thursday, January 14, 2010

psychology.. eat my brain out.

I've figured out why I'm not following in my psychology class.. I'm a days reading behind everyone else: I have absolutely no idea of how that happened.. but for some reason, even though I've looked at my reading assignment paper, I've fallen a day behind.

NOt only do I have 25 pages from my missed reading assignment to do, but an extra 25 for tomorrows class. KILL ME! Time to bring out my skim-reading skills and my marker, start marking definitions like crazy and let go of that "be-good-read-everything" principle thats nibbling on my brain.

The Brain and theNervous System was it?.. yeah.. FOCUS!

This is the book.

Good thing: I'll be hanging out with the sweet Michelle Fawcett this afternoon. SO LOOKING FORWARD!

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