Sunday, April 18, 2010

the unstressful last week of Hawaii.

This is it. This is probably the last time I'm writing a post for this blog. (Maybe...) School is over, finals are over and grades have been posted (still have an awesome GPA of 3,9).

It's been a very relaxing last week for me. Two new roommates moved in last weekend; Syndi Spencer (Maori girl from New Zealand) and Johanna (the other Swedish girl in school). I've mostly been hanging out with her, going on a few Hawaiian adventures, as well as road-tripping a little bit with Nathalie&Kit.
I've been to Haleiwa Eats, Sunset Beach, Cheesecake factory x2, swap meet, Waikiki, Waimea beach, temple beach, Menchies (frozen Yoghurt place) and movie in Mililani, Walmart x2, Costco and a bus trip down to Kaneohe.

Final project for Visual Design

Final outcome of pottery

Frozen yoghurt FTW.

I've managed to pack, repack, pack again and buy two new suitcases to bring home. Although, I'm a bit worried about how this volcano thing in Iceland is gonna work out. Seems like I could end up stranded in Chicago.. Cross-my-fingers-and-pray-to-God-not.. Mom said something about how all of Europe is closed for air-travels, and only the very nothern parts of England and Norway are safe to fly through. Also that the charter companies have their tourists fly to Barcelona and then take buses home. (I'M NOT GOING TO DO THAT! It would seriously take me a week (total) to get home...)

So while constantly checking my flights and airline updates, I'm slightly starting to stress out, again, as to how to get home.

I've had plenty of fun this week, though. Thank goodness for nice, polite, funny and lovable people like Johanna, Kit and Nathalie.

I might write one last post upon my arrival in the sweet homelands of Stockholm, Sweden.
Until then,
Thank you and goodbye.

Jacqueline 'Jackie' Usterud

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Photoshop Poster Designs

Dome of the posters that I've made for the Art Department:

Spring 2010 Contract For Sale

call 808-497 4240 for more information.

I'm leaving and need to sell my contract.


Thursday, April 01, 2010


call. 808 497 4240

Green Dodge Stratus with automatic transmission, A/C, cassette radio, antilock breaks and with approximately 172000 miles on it.
image 1672150671-0

Monday, March 29, 2010

"with all these things that i've done" Part II

History Paper on The Parthenon - Check!
Visual Design Study Guide - Check!
Reading Assignments for the rest of the semester done? - Check!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"with all these things that i've done"

Psychology Sleeping Disorder Paper - Check!
Visual Design Binder - Check!

Monday, March 22, 2010

kent, melancholy and a dang good risotto.

that is what I call a sunday.

Except that bishops wife came by today. This sweet lady from Tonga (at least i think she is) and was gonna visit me and Brittany. I was the only one home, so she sat down, asked if I went to church (which i did) and said that she appreciates me going to church and that she loves me. The "loves me" part was a chocker, since we've never ever talked before and she doesn't know me. But, I guess I should be happy that she even cares, since I've been feeling somewhat lonesome latetly. I think that might be Heavenly Fathers way of saying "Jackie, people care, people you don't even know show appreciation for you". I can't help feeling a bit weirded out though, you know?


I was down in Honoulu with Paul last night. Probably the first time that we've actually hung out in a month. We drove high up into the neighborhoods on the hillsides of Honolulu and had a view over the whole town. For the first time in my life, I actually saw a sun set, actually go down-touch-the-horizon-then-disappear sunset.The sun was glowing in a bloodorange color. Beautiful.

But I'm homesick. I just want to go home.

Finals week is coming up. I'm panicking on the inside over everything right now. Tests, papers, final presentations.
I have so many checklists.. so little time.. so little sleep, and a lot of sleep debt.

why am I so snappy and easily irritated when I'm tired?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

if I was a piece of art...

This semester is starting to come to an end, which also means that my visual design class is coming to and end. For our final project in Visual Design, we are making a "visual resume" in form of a piece of art that is to represent ourselves. With the theme "If I was a piece of art, what would I look like?" in mind, i will now ask you to help me out a little.

If you were to describe me in:
3 words
1 color
a celebrity (lookalike, personality wise, clothing wise.. doesn't matter)

what would it be?

to you sweet people that read my blog,
I highly appreciate you!

Thursday, March 04, 2010

It is time for a change

Really. I fell like all I ever do is study.. and work.. and... Nothing! This is changing!

I've been rtying to keep myself busy this week with dinners, movie nights, trips, and different hangouts, and I feel absolutely wonderful!

It really is time for me to get some serious designing done too. I get so excited and super inspired in my Visual Design class for every project that we do. We're almost done with the whole lecture part of the class, and will soon be having project classes (YAY!)

And I'm also thinking: Haircut & Major change. I did my complete MAP the other day, and I'm thinking of changing my major.. still sticking to art but skipping the education part and do ECON and/or Entrepreneurship as minor(s) .

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Can I Go Now

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pottery My Life Up. Part 2

Some pictures of my Bisquefired work (only fired once) from ceramics class. Enjoy
(klick for bigger images)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jacqueline goes formspring - I'm now on Formspring, feel free to ask me any questions you want, at anytime you want by klicking here: Jaykaiy

Music to listen to:
Ben Folds & Regina Spektor - You Don't Know Me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Time for new shoes, I'm sick of my $2 flipflops:

Forever 21

Charlotte Russe

Charlotte Russe

Monday, February 08, 2010

Visual Design

A small taste of the mini-projects we do in class:

Friday, February 05, 2010

How we enjoy ourselves in Hawaii.

80's Ice-skating in Honololu.

Shelby & I

Shelby, I & Tessa

Yup, that's me.

Very blurry picture of Amanda.


Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hoobastank - Disappear

chiropractic, yes please.

My landlord tog me and Brittany to her chiropractor this afternoon for some serious backcracking. believe me, it was. My 3day long headache is now gone and my back feels so good. for 20 dollars only.

Today, I had my first psychology test. Turned out pretty good, I'll have to wait til monday to see the results though (cross your fingers!)

I'm so tired! I've barely been sleeping at all this week. Going from work-class-work-homework-ceramics studio (take away one, add another).

I salute this weekend. You are very well needed. I need sleep, and maybe ice-skating tomorrow! :D

Monday, January 25, 2010

meatball making

So on Monday we made Swedish meatballs at Nathalie's House. Erin got so excited when when Nathalie asked her if she wanted to mix everything and roll the meatballs. So funny!
Good thing she got to experience a Swedish dish with Nathalie, while I enjoyed homemade mashed potatoes and salad :P haha

Erin is pretty much a pro-roller by now.


We had plans on clubbing this weekend, but they didn't happend. brittany didn't feel well.
BUT, we did go to Haleiwa Eats with Nathalie and Christa. I LOVE HALEIWA EATS! I would by a ticket from Sweden to Hawaii, go to Haleiwa Eats and then back to Sweden again, just for their Thaifood. thats how much I love Haleiwa Eats. Tips: Mussaman Curry w/ Shrimps & Sticky Rice.

Anyways, this weekend, as most weekends, have been very good. I took my history homework and Nathalie with me to Waimea Beach. Went to Walmart, since we were already halfway there, and then stopped at Kava Roots for my first back-to-Hawaii Acai Bowl (SO GOOD!).

The rest of Saturday was spent with finishing up Psychology&Visual design homework, then running over to Shelby's place with Paul to watch Titanic. Yes, I know, but Shelby had never seen Titanic.

Sunday hasen't been too exciting. But we have had major cake-baking going on in our house. Brittany made a Strawberry cake w/chocolate frosting and Shelby&Tessa made home-made Oreos.

I'm ready for a new week.. almost.


Saturday, January 23, 2010


Can you believe that I was playing this song on repeat last night until I fell asleep? I can. So good.
Rihanna - Hard (ft Young Jeezy)

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Weekend.

Its been such a good weekend. Things are finally starting to happen. Sweet Saturday bus-trip (by myself, and yes it was very recreational, thank you very much). Sephora, Forever21 + Victoria's Secret. Dinner with Nathalie. Late night chilling with Brittany and being hit on by 2 hot University of Hawaii boys at 7Eleven..

Sunday: Church. Watching Lovely bones with Brittany. Birthday cake making for our Landlady. Erin coming over at 6 (YES!) and driving over to her place, being picked up by Cherise. Hanging out at Cherise's house watching movies and eating pasta.

-- beach and chill tomorrow.

Dan Black - Yours

Thursday, January 14, 2010

psychology.. eat my brain out.

I've figured out why I'm not following in my psychology class.. I'm a days reading behind everyone else: I have absolutely no idea of how that happened.. but for some reason, even though I've looked at my reading assignment paper, I've fallen a day behind.

NOt only do I have 25 pages from my missed reading assignment to do, but an extra 25 for tomorrows class. KILL ME! Time to bring out my skim-reading skills and my marker, start marking definitions like crazy and let go of that "be-good-read-everything" principle thats nibbling on my brain.

The Brain and theNervous System was it?.. yeah.. FOCUS!

This is the book.

Good thing: I'll be hanging out with the sweet Michelle Fawcett this afternoon. SO LOOKING FORWARD!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Beloved Hawaii.

So, I'm back in Hawaii. Settled at Paradise Place (in front of School of Education). I have food, sheets, schoolbooks, a hand-me-down bike (with a flat tire.. haha) and have pretty much bumped in to all my friends these past days. I've been hanging out a lot with Paul and Nathalie, though.

this weekend I finally got to go to the beach for real, and did my psychology homework there starting the day at Hukilau with Nathalie, then dropping her off, and Paul meeting me up at Temple. We made sandcastles :] .

I love my Visual Design class, and History has turned out to be quite interesting. Psychology is.. well, psychology, and Ceramics & Eternal Marriage should be fun.

My car is not itself. The cooling system is not really working, and as soon as it's gonna be driven, I'll have to put gallons of water in the engine. It needs fixing, and I'm not so excited about that.

This is where I live. Come over at any time! :D

Music to listen to:
The Fray - Heartless (Kanye West Cover)
John Meyer - Heartbreak Warfare
Lykke Li - Little Bit & Possibility
Paramore - I Caught Myself
Rouge Wave - Lake Michigan & Chicago x 12

Friday, January 01, 2010

2010 - WELCOME!

Last Nights New Years Party was so much fun. Although the music weren't that good, the people certainly were. I'm so happy to have celebrated the coming of a New Year with them! Last year, at this time, I was in Las Vegas, which is probably why last year was so good too!

No New Years resolutions. They only make people paranoid at the end of the year, which is why I haven't had any for.. ages. My goal will instead be to maintain my motto "to never say anything about someone that you wouldn't tell them face-2-face".

This year I've become better at: organize, tell people what they mean to me and to be more open with my feelings (well, except for anger that is, haha).

Year 2009:
Jan: Leaving Las Vegas for a last semester at BYU Hawaii. Get to know Brittany.
Feb: School continues, I spend most of my time in the Math Lab.
Mars: Brittany & Heathers Birthdays, party held at TB.
April: Leave Hawaii to go home to Sweden again. A bridal shower is held for my childhood friend Amanda.
May: My sister Sabine turns 20. Graduation party á la Stephanie. Realize that FIDM will be WAY too expensive and decide to stay in Sweden. Apply for The Pattern cutter Program.
June: Steph graduates. I get a job.
July: Got accepted to the Pattern Cutter Program. I go as a leader for a YW/YM conference! Start to think that it might be nice to go back to Hawaii again, and start to re-apply.
Aug: Visit Paul & Brittany in Oregon. A roadtrip to San Francisco. School Starts! Got re-admitted to BYU Hawaii.
Sep: I turn 22 and celebrate with great measures. Get to know a whole bunch of cool people from YSA, like Miriam and Marlene. Start Applying for Scholarships.
Oct: Get 2 new jobs. One back att Espresso House and a new one at the baby/childrens clothing store Floralin&Junior. Start registering for classes.
Nov: Work 24/7. Get scholarships from BYU Hawaii and start arranging for living.
Dec: Work, but not 24/7. School ends, and I get an Honoring Award with a diploma and a gift certificate. Celebrations in different places and in different ways are held to enlight the month of December. Packing for Hawaii starts.

All that is left to do now is pack, pack like a maniac. There are piles of clothes on my ironing board and on my carry-on bag. United airlines make you pay for your second bag! If I'd bought my ticket in september, my second bag would've been free... 50 dollar for a second bag. GOSH! I hope the people at Arlanda Airport here in Sweden let me have my second bag for free anyways. One can only hope.

All done for the New years Part last night, with false eyelashes and all. :)

Happy New Year, and see you soon!